4 Days Canada 加拿大

4 Days Canada, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Niagara Falls
May ~ Sept (Mon, Thu) $309 Adult / $209 Child

Tour Visits: Canada, Niagara Falls, Horseshoe Fall, American Fall, Bridal Veil Fall, Corning Glass Center, Maid of the Mist, CN Tower, Skylon Tower, City Hall, Toronto Downtown, Toronto Harbor Cruise, Thousand Island Cruise and Imax Theater. Olympic Stadium, M.t. Royal, Notre Dame, Montreal

Day 1: New York – Niagara Falls
Departure from New York at 9:00 a.m. and travel through New Jersey and PA. We will visit the Corning Glass Center in the afternoon. Here, you can see the whole process of glass making. Also, there are inexpensive and beautiful glasses for purchase. Afterwards, we will drive toward Niagara Falls area and arrive there in the evening. Tonight our tour leader will bring us to see the illumination of the falls.
Stay at Quality hotel or similar.
Day 2: Niagara Falls – Toronto
After breakfast, we will take the Maid of the Mist Cruise. It is breath taking when you look up at the falls from the boat. Afterward we will go to Skylon Tower to take pictures of the three falls. Then we will see a documentary about the falls in the IMAX Theatre. Arrive at Toronto in the late afternoon. Activities includes: CN Tower, City Hall, Toronto Harbor Cruise. We will dinner in Toronto Chinatown. Then we will stay in a hotel in Toronto.

Day 3: Toronto – Thousand Islands – Ottawa – Montreal
Morning departure from Toronto to Thousand Island where you may enjoy a relaxing boat ride cruising along the world famous Boldt Castle, Millionaire’s row, and Zavicon Island…(Boat ride at summer time only) than stop at “Ottawa” the capital of Canada. We will have a short tour of Parliaments Building, Centennial Flame, Peace Tower, Monument, Embassy District and Rideau Canal. late afternoon arrive Montreal. As the world’s second largest French-Speaking city, Montreal City where European buildings, shops, and French signs are every where. Tonight, you may stroll along the promenade of this romantic city – St. Catherine Street or try you luck at Casino.
Hotel: Hotel Des Seigneur or Similar

Day 4: Montreal – New York City
Morning we are continue tour the Montreal. Visit St. Joseph Church and the Biodome in the 1976 Olympic Stadium, M.t.Royal, Notre Dame. After, the tour will leaving Montreal City Back to New York City, arrival New York City at sunset.
• Price is in USD for each person.
• Passengers have to be responsible for personal document (exp: Alien card, passport, Visa, Reentry permit or airline ticket).
• Itinerary is subject to change without notes.
Price Include:
• 3 night hotel accommodations.
• Round trip Deluxe Air Conditioned bus transportation.
• Experienced tour leader for each tour to let you enjoy in-depth sightseeing.
Price does not include:
• Visa application fees.
• Laundry, valet, telephone calls, wines and liquors other than those specified.
• All meals and drinks during the trip, but the tour guide will arrange for it.
• All admission fee and all other private expenses, tips to guides, drivers. Suggested: $6.00 per person, per day.($3.50 for leader and $2.50 for driver)
• Optional Admission tickets:
Corning Glass Museum — Adult: $12.50 Child: Free
Maid of the Mist (May – Sept) — Adult:$11.50 Child: $6.75
Skylon Tower — Adult:$10.00 Child: $7.00
Imax Theatre — Adult: $12.50 Child: $8.00
Ontario Cruise — Adult: $14.00 Child: $10.00
1000 Islands Cruise (May – Sept) — Adult: $16.00 Child: $8.00
C.N Tower — Adult: $19.50 Child: $16.00
Olympic Stadium — Adult: $9.00 Child: $6.00
• Price are may change without notice.

費用:成人 $230 小孩 $150
出發日期:逢星期一、四 (五月-九月)


1. 紐約市 – 康寧玻璃中心 – 美境尼加拉瀑布
從紐約前往位于美國和加拿大邊界的城市尼加拉瀑布,沿途觀賞美東風光及聞名的康寧玻璃中心,精致辭的玻璃制品或七彩燦爛,或晶瑩剔透,令人眼花繚亂,目不暇給,一具三千年”高齡”的木乃伊在旋轉燈光照射下,頭上佩戴的玻璃飾品璀璨奪目,游客驚嘆聲此起彼落,不絕于耳 ,參觀熱玻璃的制造過程,更是巧奪天工,大開眼界,夜幕低垂時,車子抵達尼加拉瀑布,入住酒店休息,晚上可夜遊世界八大奇景之一的尼加拉瀑布區,欣賞七彩燈光下的瀑布,只見水珠四濺,煙霧迷漫,如夢似幻,氣象萬千。

2. 尼加拉瀑布 – 多倫多
上午遊覽尼加拉瀑布,白天的瀑布景色雄偉壯麗,與五彩繽紛的夜景截然不同,未見瀑布,先聞其聲,聲勢之浩大,如萬馬奔騰,如春日雷鳴,僅能以”心驚動魂”一詞來形容!萬無云時 ,倚著欄杆,遠眺”美國瀑布”,水勢一瀉千里,雷霆萬鈞,氣勢宏偉,驚嘆之余,可別忘了用照相機留下珍貴的鏡頭,”馬蹄瀑布”及”新娘面紗瀑布”又是另外一番景象,成群的海鷗在白霧騰空之間穿梭盤旋悠閑自在與熱鬧雜沓,熙來攘往的遊客,構成一幅有趣的畫面,夏天遊尼加拉瀑布,可搭乘著名的”霧中少女號”遊船穿梭于波濤起伏的瀑布間,水花迎面扑來,刺激緊張,更添加一份震撼力, 遊完娟秀雅致的公羊島后,意猶未盡的離開尼加拉瀑布,車子經過象征美國及加拿大兩國堅固友誼” 彩虹橋”,進入加拿大,參觀Skylon Tower,看Imax電影,下午抵達加拿大第一大城及金融中心多倫多市,參觀CN塔(Canadian National Tower),登上高塔俯瞰市景及一望無際的安大略湖,隨后前往學朮界聞名全加拿大最高學府之一的多倫多大學,校區內的建筑物古色古香,維多利亞式建筑的省議會大廈,庄嚴肅穆﹔呈兩個半圓形設計的市政大廈,造形新穎奇特,亦是游覽的重點。晚上于北美第三大唐人街用餐。
3. 多倫多 – 千島湖 – 渥太華 – 蒙特婁
經過一夜的休息,早上精神飽滿的從多倫多出發,乘遊船遊覽聖羅蘭河上的千島聖地,午后前往加拿大首都渥太華,沿途欣賞加拿大遼闊版圖上,高山群峰羅列、悠閉靜馨的鄉村景觀,渥太華,印語即為”交易”(trading)之意,是著名的商業都市,抵達后參觀敬穆肅立的陣亡將士紀念碑,氣派非凡的加拿大國會大廈,高度達二百九十五尺,內懸五十三座古鐘的自由鐘塔, 遊覽渥太華,北上前往加拿大東部最大的法語城市,最具法國文化、素有”北美小巴黎”之稱的蒙特婁市,抵達后參觀此世界第二大的圓頂教堂.聖約瑟大教堂,此教堂系由具悲天惘人胸懷,有宗教醫治神能的安德魯教 士所設立,在歷經半個多世紀洗禮后,至今到此拜訪游覽、祝福祈禱并瞻仰送物的信徒,仍然絡繹于途。晚上可徜詳于該市的主街St. Catherine,享受浪漫夜景。

4. 蒙特婁 – 家園
在蒙特婁,英法對照的路標和招牌隨處可見,路上行人穿著打扮也深具歐洲風格,路邊的露天咖啡座浪漫溫馨,置身其中仿若(穿越時空),到了巴黎。上午參觀市政府大廈和建于1628年的諾特丹聖母大教堂,教堂內部雕嵌精美,金碧輝煌,令人嘆為觀止。 中午離開,巴士離開滿地可南下回紐約,中途作休息再繼續南下。約傍晚時分左右回到紐約市華埠。


• 三晚酒店住宿,房間以兩張床為主,全部附有私人浴廁。(小童、第三、四人同房,不另加床)
• 巴士、導遊及司機。
• 私人費用如洗衣、電話、汽水、酒類,個人保險費用。
• 領隊、導遊及司機小費,建議每人每天$6.00 ($2.50 司機、$3.50 導遊)。
• 出國護照問題:本公司依照移民局規定,要求攜帶有效証件,如証件發生問題,本公司恕不負任何責任。
• 本行程之各項遊覽門票。
• 各項遊覽門票如下:
尼加拉瀑布船(五-九月)—成人: $11.50 小童: $7.25
康寧玻璃中心—成人: $12.00 小童: $7.00
瀑布高塔—成人: $9.50 小童: $6.50
瀑布大電影—成人: $10.50 小童: $7.25
C.N.高塔—成人: $18.00 小童: $12.00
千島遊船—成人: $14.00 小童: $7.50
多倫多遊船—成人: $14.00 小童: $10.00
• 門票如有更改,恕不另行通知。

(We reserve the right to end or change these offers at anytime. We are not responsible for typographical errors.)